I'm ready

We are at a pivotal time in the earth’s history when the abilities and magical sciences that existed during the time of Ancient Atlantis are returning to our planet.

Atlantean healing session

tap into crystalline energy

In the same vain timelines, challenges, and traumas from the downfall of Atlantis are resurfacing to be cleared in this lifetime. In this process the Angels of Atlantis have gifted humanity access to the crystalline frequency of healing that was used during the times of Atlantis. During this session together we will tap into this 100% pure frequency which contains the lightcodes of Altantis to break down heavy stagnant energies in your aura, chakras, and dna that are holding you back from accessing your Atlantean Gifts.

People are remembering their abilities from Atlantis: clairvoyance, advanced healing abilities, crystal healing, telepathy, sound healing

Atlantean healing

remember your ancient gifts

Activates the Divine Gold print of the 5th Dimension, opening you up to your full potential



Clears DNA of destructive patterns and behaviors and neurological programming not serving you


04. clears

You will feel the cooling energy of the ocean throughout this session as we work in tandem with the angelic energies of Atlantis.



This revitalized state will activate your psychic and telepathic gifts from Atlantis and place you on your highest timeline in this lifetime. 


02. quantum

Cleanse and energize your entire etheric body, addressing all 15 chakras and their layers, your meridian pathways, past life objects still stuck in the energetic body (swords, shackles, ropes, devices), any auric debris of heaviness, and the cords of others.


01. channeled Atlantean


Aenean convallis cursus quam dictum semper. Aliquam rutrum tellus interdum elit lacinia dignissim. Praesent posuere arcu in tristique posuere. Sed purus dolor, ultrices gravida.



Aenean convallis cursus quam dictum semper. Aliquam rutrum tellus interdum elit lacinia dignissim. Praesent posuere arcu in tristique posuere. Sed purus dolor, ultrices gravida, mi quis posuere molestie, nisi tellus fringilla mi, sit amet finibus est sem at diam. Sed non dolor egestas, consectetur libero vitae, imperdiet felis.


09. secret talent 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vitae faucibus lorem, id iaculis nulla. Aenean convallis cursus quam dictum.


08. I LOVE

Aliquam vitae faucibus lorem, id iaculis nulla. Aenean convallis cursus quam dictum semper. Aliquam rutrum tellus interdum elit lacinia dignissim. Praesent posuere arcu in tristique posuere.


07. gimme all those

Consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vitae faucibus lorem, id iaculis nulla. Aenean convallis cursus quam dictum semper rutrum tellus interdum elit. lacinia dignissim. Praesent posuere arcu in tristique posuere. 

chanel no. 5

06. my FAVE scent: 


in your

what to expect

After the session your energy will continue to shift and calibrate as the Atlantean Angels continue to work and clear day and night for as long as necessary.

You will feel clear, confident and free, knowing your next steps and life’s purpose. Energetically you will feel lighter, brighter and more grounded in your soul’s mission and really to step into your full potential.

Your session will take place on zoom and will be recorded for you.

-fran excell
host of the positive pants podcast

I had no idea what to expect and was totally open but she put me at complete ease and explained what was going to happen. Jo is really down to earth, I felt really calm when she was working on me and loved hearing what came up for her on the other side. I hadn't really heard of this type of healing before but I'm a very curious and open minded person so I found it really fascinating. There was a lot that she said that rang really true for me. I'm definitely feeling lighter and even calmer. I'm looking forward to seeing how everything continues to unfold and I'm sure I'll be back for more!

"I loved my healing session with Jo."

- leah urban

 I was suffering an incredibly intense and debilitating bout of anxiety - caused by an upcoming IVF embryo transfer; the healing with Jo was extremely effective in calming me, and kickstarted my quick recovery. I've continued our sessions and I always feel vastly calmer after. I've maintained a successful pregnancy, in which I have hardly suffered anxiety, or indeed many unwanted side effects... I'm sure Jo's energy work has played a huge part in this.

I've learned to manage triggering relationships much better, with courage and foresight. I feel excited and confident about the future. I've opened my heart and mind much more towards spiritually; the clues and signs are there now! Jo has an incredible gift for inspiring others and disproving doubts; I've seen how instant and powerful her energy work can be, and my consciousness is definitely heightened.

 Jo's sunny and energetic disposition is so infectious and joyful, it's hard not to love working with her, but her dedication and talent as a healer is perhaps her most impressive quality.
It is so impressive that Jo can tell you where you are holding pain or stress; she is so trustworthy and easy to talk to yet withholds judgement, and will dedicate herself to clearing your negativities. 

"I doubted whether distant energy healing could work - how wrong I was. 



praise from clients:

Book Now

Your session will last 1 hour (£133). If you would like to customize your session further please reach out. 



and are pretty darn magical

seeking more in life


healing and ascension.

ready to take the next steps toward

a being of infinite light:

You are:

Follow along for more healing, inspiration, real-talk, and daily coaching.

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