Our Akashic Records serve as an energetic blueprint for how our life will go: the types of relationships we will have, the decisions we will make, our health, wealth and abundance. Without clearing these patterns, programs, and karma we’ll go through life making decisions based on past-life fear and remain stuck, unhappy, and burdened. You are reading this because these dense and controlling energies have come forward and are ready to be released in this lifetime.
We will also address any questions that you may have with regards to any area of your life.
After the session your energy will continue to shift and calibrate as your masters continue to work and clear day and night for as long as necessary.
You will feel clear, confident and free, knowing your next steps and life’s purpose. Energetically you will feel lighter, brighter and more grounded in your soul’s mission and really to step into your full potential.
Your session will take place on zoom and will be recorded for you.
Each session will last 90 minutes. The goal is to front load your healing within the first few weeks to clear as much as possible. This will build momentum as your vibration raises, catapulting your healing and manifestations. Enabling you to anchor into the Golden Timeline of your life and release all that is no longer serving you. We recommend 3-6 sessions to clear poverty blocks and soul contracts and to activate your intuitive abilities. The more you clear, the more you can create.